sexta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2011

Spore Report:Attrition War!

I don't know... The main hull is--
Wait OS, i think you left the mic on.

Well, um, hello everyone, this is OS with a report on a battle happening at a small moon, sector--*EXPLOSION*

Just keep us out of the cross-fire, okay!?

Sorry for that, the rookie copilot is being... Well... A rookie. Anyway, we have a situation going on here:

According to our current intel, a part of the the Cornerian Fleet has penetrated a space zone of the Republic. We don't know why or how the battle started, but obviously the large number of Arwings and A-Wings (ironic, isn't it?) involved suggests that, either the Republic captured CF's best team, or the Cornerian Fleet was planning a attack into the protected sector which has a strategic position-- TAAAKEEEE COVEEEEEEERRRR!!!!


Rookie, you alright?
I'm ok, OS--

Er... Looks like we're having some difficulties here... Anyway, at least the ship is intact... Mostly.
Can't say the same about the other ships, though:

That was some really heavy ordnance, whose bomb was that? Doesn't matter, because even it was ours, we'd be in that smoking crater by now. Rookie! Activate gate! Target; homeworld! Let's get out of here! and make sure not to run us into a star, alright?


domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011


Due to lack of creativity, and somewhat depression, i'm inactive. =\
No actual schedule to when i'm going to post again...

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

Aperture Investment Opportunity #1;Turrets

You know the Turrets? Those big, tall things with guns enough to make you look like swiss-cheese?
NO, DON'T GO! I'M KIDDING! It's no trolling or rick-roll, but you're gonna like this.
Seriously now;

Greetings from my friends at Aperture Science, and i present you the most popular version of our military-grade equipment, the Turret!;

Little inoffensive critters, aren't they? I don't think so. They're the same technology we use to make difficult and deadly tests at Aperture Science!

Scares the [REDACTED] outta them!
How we do put any bullets in them? Commercial secret... BUT, i can tell you that Turrets are very loyal, and the chances of a defective Turret showing up are very slim*. We sell them in almost all camouflage purposes, which include...





...And the Invisible Ninja Turret!**

We are also selling a pre-beta release*** of a Rocket Sentry Turret, with electric aim! (For limited time only.)

After fabrication, we box 'em up and send them right to you...

 you can protect what you value most.

Try getting near that egg. You're dead. Heh.

O.S., we're done here.

[*:Although defective defective Turrets are blind, bullet-less and more sarcastic than normal Turrets, we do not recommend contact with them since they may still be active and have the terrible habit of self-destructing.]
[**:The Ninja Turret is known for not showing up even when needed.]
[***:The Rocket Sentry is known for attacking anything in sight. Use at your own risk.]

quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2011

Spore Report: Crash

*Static*... --Uh.. Hello peopl--*static* another Report. I managed to--*static*
*Kicks radio*
Ok, let's start it over.

Hello people. Another report. I managed to survive the crash landing using manual controls of the ship, but now it's pretty useless:
What a good way to start a interplanetary voyage. *Sarcasm* .-. The engines are scrapped, the life support system is gone, and the only thing i have working is the radio, but it can't reach anywhere. ¬-¬
Well, that's not a bad place at all;Breathable air, a rainforest, a beach... I think i'll come back someday to buy this planet.
I suppose i'll have to get across this jungle. Not too fan of becoming a wild dragon again. I'm just too lazy for that. :P
After walking sometime into the jungle, i have the weird feeling that i were being watched. I don't like this fog... It's kinda creepy. o.o
I walked a bit more, and as i hate to say i were right, I WERE RIGHT;I actually was being watched. The first contact with the locals:
That weird critter is somewhat familiar. I think i already read about them on a file or something.
It seemed to want to take me to somewhere, as if it was friendly, but with a sword? I think they are a bit crazy. I followed it and i found their village. Surprisingly simple but self-sustainable, i say.

The one that appeared to be the chief walked to me and started to talk in a strange language i couldn't understand. It was like a mix of Groxian with Russian and a very ancient language called Egyptian. Really weird to me. O.o
It then showed me a geode that appeared to be their symbol of power or something. I already saw some of these on the intergalactic black market. They worth quite a penny.
I was bored. >=3 Also, i think it can be worth enough to the repairs on my ship... Maybe even a new one. >D
They had a pile of "Sky Stuff", all junk that were thrown at space:Spice bottles, garden gnomes, a statue of Steve, and a beacon... Wait, a BEACON? Those REALLY strong beacons that can blind a pilot from parsecs of here?
I really need that beacon, that's the only way out of this rock. Time to wait for night and 'borrow' that beacon.
It's Night Fury time. :3
I wish i had arms. v_v
After i went flying away, one of them woke up, and started yelling at me, and SHOT ARROWS AT ME! Thankfully they bounced off my armor. -o- Perhaps this beacon is better than the geode for them. o.o
I set up the beacon, plugged it to my ship and...
I told you that it could blind pilots! Just look at my face!
A friend of mine appeared. Old friend, actually. He actually was a pilot on the golden era of the space. He's Fox. (What Fox?)
Well, i think it's better to leave that old ship there. It will be better for those tribal creatures. Someday i'll visit them again, maybe when they figure out that beacons are cheap as dirt nowadays. XD
The geode will remember me to visit them when they evolve... Until there, it'll be in my collection:
...Which includes my spice variety, my old treasure chest, my life savings, my collection of diamonds, SporePandora's box, the crown of the EarthWalker queen, my emperor shaft, my Oogie statue...

There is so much left to be a Elite Night Fury... >:3 Well, i'm going to buy a new ship soon.
O.S. the Night Fury.

End of Report.

*Transmission ends*

Spore Report: Darn you, Relativity!

Well, hello lifeforms. I'm upset with my awesome ship right now.

Why is that if it is so awesome?


Somehow the navigation system went insane, then i were getting pushed all around by the gravity fields of the stars. Stupid relativity! I needed to use all backup power for the brake engines, but i didn't managed to do it and i ended up powering up the hyperdrive. It warped for a few minutes, but i managed to turn it off. I saw i was in the Milky Way galaxy. Not a bad place, but i remember stories of my kind living somewhere there really long ago. o_o The ship was near Alpha-Centauri, a star system, when something collided with my ship. It was a primitive probe with a golden disk on it. Nobody seemed to appear, sooo.... >D
While i was holding that thing back into my ship, i saw i was almost in the middle of the COG (Center of Gravity) of the stars of that system. Too late, I already was there. My ship then got totally inoperable. I had to use fossil fuel to slow it down when it was thrown away because of the gravity. Darn you again, relativity!
Now the fuel is over and i'm heading towards a seemingly inhabited planet. Wish me luck. o.o' *static*

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011


Welcome, all readers of Spore Orbit Blog!
The Blog is now almost ready. Just a few more tweaks here and there should do, then i'll start posting.

O.S. the Night Fury.
EDIT:Aug, 31th. 15:46 GMT -3.

The blog is ready and the next posting will be coming. The blog is officially OPEN! :D
*party balloons and fireworks*

O.S. the Night Fury.